Free PDF Divorce Forms for Serving Divorce Papers in Oklahoma

Even though you know your spouse said they will sign the divorce papers when they receive them, sometimes that little extra peace of mind of having documents served can make the difference. I am adding some forms here that you can download and use if you find that you need them in your divorce.


Serving Documents

If you feel that you need to serve your spouse the papers to make sure that you and the court knows that your spouse has received the papers you can use the following forms. Before downloading these forms, first ask the court clerks office how they would prefer the documents to either be mailed certified or delivered through a summons. Some courts prefer to handle this in house and will do it for you for a small fee. If they don’t, you can use the following forms to do this yourself. You will need Adobe Reader to view and print the forms.

Serving documents by summons

Serving documents by certified mail

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