Oklahoma Uncontested Divorce Without Children
Complete the form below and submit your payment. Once I get the notifications for both I will get right to work on your forms. Most generally I can have your forms completed within 6 hours depending on the time of day, but never more than 24 hours. If you have minor children from the marriage, please fill out the form on the uncontested divorce with children page.
Oklahoma Uncontested Divorce Form
$75 ($90 if want them mailed)
Fill out the following form
Print your forms and file them (or review them if they are being mailed to you)
Within 24 hours, I will email you a link to the uncontested printable divorce papers in PDF format for you to review and download your forms. Print your forms and follow the instructions at the top of the blank pages to staple your documents together correctly. Follow the instructions that is included on the first page of the PDF that I email you the link to, to file and complete your divorce. If you have any questions, you can always email me, day or night.
If you are purchasing the forms for being mailed to you, please review your forms and let me know of any changes that need to be made. I will not mail your forms until I have heard back from you or it has been 10 days since I emailed you the link, which ever comes first.
You will need Adobe Reader to view your documents. You can get it here.
What is included in an Uncontested Divorce?
An uncontested divorce with no children is the most basic and quickest type of divorce that can be completed. If property and debt isn’t already divided, then they can be listed in the decree to help further that along.
Property includes furniture, appliances, marital home, clothing, keep-sake’s and vehicles. Most property falls under those headings but the divorce isn’t limited to those types of properties. Basically any property that you don’t already have in your possession that you want, and/or is still in the spouse’s name, needs to be listed.
For the most part, if the debt is in your name, it is your responsibility. The only debts that can be considered for division are debts that have both people’s names on them, and/or debts that were established during the marriage during the time you were still considered being together.
This means that you can’t go open up a new credit card after you leave your spouse and then expect them to have to pay for it. Yes, you are still married to them, but that debt was established after you were split from your spouse.
Marital home
If you own a home with your spouse, you can list who gets the home and/or how the home will be divided (i.e. proceeds split after home is sold).
Retirement accounts
If one person has a retirement account and the other doesn’t want to stake their claim to said account, then it can be listed as that spouse agreeing to give up their portion of the retirement account.
If the other person does want to be able to still claim their rightful portion of the retirement account, then it would best benefit both parties if an attorney was hired to prepare the divorce papers. If the retirement accounts are not listed correctly, a person could easily lose their rightful portion. You can let the attorney known that you are only needing the papers drawn up so they will have the retirement listed correctly, and that you do not need them to represent you in court. This will help keep the total cost of the divorce as low as possible.
Who can get an Uncontested Divorce with no Children?
On the petition and the decree, it is stated that there are no minor children of the marriage. To be qualified for this type of marriage, there must be no minor children born of the marriage, nor can the wife be pregnant with a child by the husband nor anyone else.
If you have no children, you can file this type of divorce. You can also file this type of divorce if the children of the marriage are now grown. If your children are grown, that means that they are at least 18 years of age, or 20 if they are attending college.
When to get a lawyer involved?
As mentioned above, if you have retirement accounts, you will want to have an attorney draw up your divorce papers. This doesn’t mean that you have to have them represent you though. You can still represent yourself.
If your ex is wanting to argue over everything, or just flat out refuse to sign, an attorney could make it easier to insure the divorce goes through. Often when there are no children involved, an ex is still feeling hurt or even possibly embarrassed about the separation and divorce, that instead of showing how they feel, they lash out and make the whole divorce process much harder than it should be. If it is only a matter of them just not wanting to sign, you can still get your cheap Oklahoma divorce forms completed by me and not hire an attorney, and then use some of the forms listed on the additional forms page to serve your spouse through postal mail or process server.
If your ex is not wanting to agree on the terms though, you will probably need an attorney to represent you in court. Even if the terms you are offering is fair, if they refuse to agree, you will need to have an attorney help advise the judge of this fairness to insure that you can get your divorce. If the judge feels it is fair and your ex can’t state anything to make the judge think otherwise, he can grant the divorce and your ex will have to sign whether he wants to or not.